Thursday, January 16, 2014

This is a blog series highlighting different warrior moms that I know.
If you missed the Introduction Blog, you can read it here:
Lioness Arising Mothers 

Lioness Arising Mother #1: Lisa Joyce Goes. She goes by LJ.
Don’t mess with LJ.

LJ has three children. Madeleine, 7, Noah, 5, and Liam 3
Lisa’s beautiful boy Noah has been medically diagnosed with “leaky gut” which can be thanked for the elevated titre of measles in his intestines that are destroying his bowels, metal levels off the charts and no immunity to polio despite being vaxed. In addition, he cannot stop producing antibodies for varicella. Noah suffers greatly with mitochondrial dysfunction, bowel disease and immune compromise; all serious medical conditions that were diagnosed as autism.
He is one sick boy in addition to his diagnosis of Autism.
The best way to tell LJ’s story is through her own words. LJ writes about her world in daily posts on her fb page, as well as being a contributing editor for Age of Autism. She is also the Managing Partner of The Misuta Project, LLC.  An autism media company in search of the truth, in support of those pursuing it.
I’m going to share only a few of LJ’s posts. These posts are raw, emotional, gut-wrenching, and awe-inspiring. LJ is truthful, honest, and scientifically & medically sound.
Written from the heart of a mother. A mother who is fully and dangerously awake.
A Lioness Arising…
POST #1:
This evening, my 3 yo Liam opens a book. It was a picture book about helicopters. He sits at the kitchen island and pretends he his reading…this is what he says about his brother Noah:
“Noah is screaming. Noah, for longtime always, screams. He is sick. He jumps on the counters and mommy can’t get him off. He is very mad and he yells and cries and shakes. My ears hurt so bad. Mommy looks mad and she is tired …in her eyes. Mad is upstairs. She goes away. I’m sad.”
For you parents who don’t get it yet, I had a delightful baby. So good, I got pregnant again 6 months after having him. He was a breeze. Delightful. Except he was a little jaundiced, a bit swollen, didn’t really wanna eat and had eczema. If this describes your child currently, keep vaxing on schedule and you too can soon be me. You can listen to your super smart, sweet 3 year old tell you about what it’s like to watch his brother suffer. What it’s like to be potty trained when his brother isn’t, what it’s like to express himself when his brother can’t. What it’s like to live day in and day out with OCD so powerful it prevents his brother from setting foot on the ground, he must, at all times, be on the countertops. He must at all times, be screaming. He must at all times, be jumping, running, stimming, screaming, repeat. He fights getting dressed, he fights going to the bathroom, he fights brushing his teeth, combing his hair, learning how to properly eat and sit in a chair. His whole life, since his 12 month vaccinations he has been fighting.
Dear Morally Bankrupt Omniscient Pharma, This boy is my son. His NAME IS NOAH PATRICK GOES. He is a human being. You took his central nervous system. His vestibular system. His neurological functioning. His bowels. His eyesight. Tomorrow you plan to take away the supplements that give him peace. You wear me down. You break my children’s hearts. You take our money. You attempt to destroy my family on a daily basis. But, you will never ever win. I will. I WILL…ME…Lisa…Joyce…Goes….I WILL DESTROY YOU. One FB post, one letter, one phone call, one parent, one neighbor, one doctor, one school, one community, one city, one state at time. Remember his name, Noah Patrick Goes. NOAH. PATRICK. GOES. HE MATTERS. HIS LIFE MATTERS. From the bottom of my heart… LJ

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